TrueTTY ham radio digital communications software V1.90 This program is designed for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Supported modes are RTTY (Baudot code), ASCII (7 or 8 bits),PSK31 (BPSK and QPSK) and AMTOR-FEC (SITOR-B, NAVTEX). SELFEC SITOR, HF- and UHF-PACKET (AX25) decoding is possible also. No additional hardware required - you need only transceiver and computer with sound card. Optionally you can use simple circuit for PTT-control. It make fast and convenient frequence control, has a lot macros for transmitting. Can cooperate with RZ4AG AAlog logger. It works in Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Minimal requirement for computer speed is about AMD 5x86-133 or Pentium-75. Shareware ($35). Run setup.exe to install. Under Windows NT/2000 you must be logged in as an administrator when installing the program and you need to restart computer after installation. The program is freely distributable, but you must distribute the original archive unmodified. Sergei Podstrigailo, UA9OSV